How Much Does it Cost to Insure a Honda Civic?

Find out how much it costs to insure a Honda Civic with MoneyGeek's guide. We compare car insurance rates from five national insurers and answer frequently asked questions about Honda Civic insurance quotes and coverage.

How Much Does it Cost to Insure a Honda Civic?

Are you considering buying a Honda Civic? If so, you may be wondering how much it will cost to insure. MoneyGeek has ranked the best auto insurance companies for a Honda Civic based on customer satisfaction, number of complaints, financial stability, and affordability. We've also compared the cost of insurance for all small cars with the cost of insuring a Honda Civic. The Civic is a popular car among teenage drivers because it's affordable, has a large selection of aftermarket modifications, and receives good safety ratings.

Older models have an ignition block that can easily be broken by a thief, but newer models have improved protections. The high-performance variant of Honda's Civic, the Civic Type R, comes with a powerful turbocharged engine and a variety of other performance improvements. If you have fines, insurance claims, or violations in your driving record, you'll see the cost of your Civic insurance increase. However, given that there are so many Civic vehicles on the road, it makes sense that they will be stolen more often than less omnipresent cars.

We compared the car insurance rates of the nine most popular Honda models at five national insurers. If you're looking for the most affordable insurance for your Honda Civic, ValuePenguin recommends State Farm. You could pay up to 10 percent more than the cost of a Civic to purchase vehicle insurance, compared to an average of about 7 percent for a Honda CR-V or similar SUV. MoneyGeek answers frequently asked questions about Honda Civic insurance quotes and coverage to help consumers make an informed purchasing decision. If you're considering buying a Honda Civic, make sure to research the cost of insuring it before making your purchase.

Olivia Davis
Olivia Davis

Hipster-friendly travel trailblazer. Incurable food expert. Incurable analyst. Unapologetic zombie nerd. Certified travel nerd. Total tv expert.

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